Workshop on Possible Parity Restoration at High Energy Jun. 11-12, 2007, IHEP, Beijing
Workshop on Possible Parity Restoration at High Energy June 11-12, 2007 Monday, June 11, 2007 --------------------- 9:00 AM Welcome - Chen Hesheng/Fred Gilman 9:15 AM "Symmetry and Asymmetry in the Electroweak Interaction" - T. D. Lee 10:00 AM "Overview of Left-Right Symmetric Theories" - R. Mohapatra 10:45 AM Break 11:15 AM "Spontaneous Parity Violation and Induced Electroweak Symmetry Breaking" - H. He 12:00 PM Lunch 2:00 PM "CP Violation: From flavor factories to the ILC" - A. Soni 2:45 PM "Searches for W' and Z' at the Tevatron Collider" - (Fermilab Speaker) 3:30 PM Break 4:00 PM "Status of the ILC" - S. Kurokawa 4:45 PM "Measuring Properties of a Z' at ILC" - Steve Godfrey 5:30 PM Adjourn/End of Monday Talks 7:00 PM Workshop Dinner Tuesday, June 12, 2007 ---------------------- 9:00 AM "Potential to Observe Restoration of Parity by ATLAS and CMS at the LHC" - J. Brooijmans 9:45 AM "Tests and Possible Origin of Non-standard Right-Handed Couplings of Quarks" - J. Stern 10:30 AM Break 11:00 AM "Low Intermediate Scales in Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theories with Left-Right Symmetry" - A. Raychaudhuri 11:45 AM "Fermion masses and the Higgs sector in left-right symmetric models" - J. A. Martins Simoes 12:30 PM Lunch 2:00 PM "Two Higgs Bi-doublet Left-Right Model with Spontaneous P and CP Violation" - Y. Wu 2:45 PM "LR symmetry and Leptogenesis " - J-M. Freref 3:30 PM Break 4:00 PM "TBA" - G. Senjanovic 4:45 PM Closing remarks - Chen Hesheng/Fred Gilman 5:00 PM End of the Workshop
June 11-12, 2007